Season 2024/25 is here!

27 Sep 2024 by Amy McCann

Daylight saving is upon us, the magpies are swooping and hay fever is everywhere…. which can only mean one thing…

Victorian summer baseball is here!!!

Dragon pre-season training has been in full swing for weeks and it has been great to see so many roll out in classic unpredictable Melbourne spring weather.

Between the showers, there was a working bee, a Come n Try Day, and the Dragon’s first ever ‘Club Week’ was a shining light as the Men’s and Women’s programs joined forces for a full week of integrated training at Deep Creek Reserve.

And yes, while it does kind of feel like the winter season literally just finished, we are baseball groupies who are all hanging for summer’s opening round!

And what a huge opening weekend it will be with the Dragons’ Victorian Summer Baseball League season set to launch at Deep Creek Reserve.

First up on October 5/6, our Premier Men’s and State League Men’s will hit the field for an epic Saturday-Sunday double header.

Our Women’s Premier Teams will be well represented in the Deep Creek crowd on opening weekend, courtesy of a bye in round one, before they launch their season away at Newport on Saturday 12 October.

While Baseball Victoria is still working through the myriad of Junior fixtures, we are awaiting one of the biggest junior seasons to ever hit the Lair from October 18 onwards. Watch out for Junior action across Friday nights, Saturday mornings and Sundays in season 2024/25.

It is all just the start of one truly epic season ahead at Deep Creek, the first full season our amazing clubhouse in Doncaster East will get to host our sensational members and fans!

But before you hit the field in the first game, make sure to:

Register, visit this link Sign up for our official Team App Follow us on Facebook and Instagram And remember, when you hit up the Dragons’ canteen for some lunch, it’s not MasterChef, but we aren’t not far off!


Did someone say complimentary senior t-shirts? Yes we did!

Look, we know it has been a long time between an update of the official senior’s Dragons warm up / training tops for seniors (and juniors playing seniors) and we listened.

So, for 2024/25 after you pay your subs, you will get a new top which will be your new pre game warm up and training shirt…. and your all around Melbourne shirt if that is your vibe. It’s ours, so you can admit it is yours too.

We love the new design and we hope you do too with a mix of of the old school – new school for the 2024/25 season.

2024/25 Membership Fees

Age 5-7 $170.00
Age 8-9 $190.00
Ages 10-17 (Junior only) $330.00
Junior Playing Senior $420.00
Concession* $460.00
Seniors $540.00

To register please visit this link.


If you have any queries about DBC memberships, concessions, to discuss a payment plan, please contact

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